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Introducing Showcases and Meetups

Published on November 5, 2021

Co-Founder Ed Howkins and some attendees at one of our In-Person Meetups

This is Hamish, the CEO and Co-Founder of The Watch Collectors’ Club, and I want to explain further how our Showcases and Meetups work. All our events can be found on our events page here. Be sure to check it regularly as we will hold at least two events every month from now on!

Two spectacularly different watches at our October In-Person Watch Meetup; a Casio Pacman and a Universale Geneve Dress watch.Two spectacularly different watches at our October In-Person Watch Meetup; a Casio Pacman and a Universale Geneve Dress watch.

Two spectacularly different watches at our October In-Person Watch Meetup; a Casio Pacman and a Universale Geneve Dress watch.

What is a Showcase?

A Showcase is a virtual event run using Zoom that brings us together to talk about our watches. We host it, and manage any pictures you want to send in. We then take turns to talk through the stories we want to tell about our watch:

·       We might mention where we got it, why we like it, what it means to us and what features we like most.

·       This only lasts for a couple of minutes or so and then there are usually a few questions from people on the call.

The watches people have shown us have led to great discussions, either about the watch itself, the brand, the technology, or most often, the story about how they got it!

Our Showcases have included everything from brand new Rolexes to vintage Omega Dress watches, Casio G-shocks to handmade pieces from German independent watchmakers. We really want to hear about all your watches, whatever they may be and wherever they came from. Our showcase is the place to come for a relaxed and friendly exploration of the watch world.

A Screenshot from one of our Virtual ShowcasesA Screenshot from one of our Virtual Showcases

What happens at a Meetup?

You get to see a variety of watches you probably didn’t know existed. When everyone brings a watch or two, the range can be surprising.

We give a couple of short talks highlighting an aspect of the watch world or watch collecting. You’ll learn a little and gain a little more insight into how it all works.

There’s a relaxed environment for you to see some interesting watches and hear the stories behind them. Everyone is welcome, and passion for watches is widely distributed. You might be surprised at who you meet.

Everyone is welcome, whether you have been collecting for years or are just getting started. We are creating a place to share knowledge and help each other out, and you don’t even need to own a watch.

We choose an easy to get to venue with plenty of space, in an area separate from other patrons. This helps us remain secure and ensure we can take all possible COVID precautions. We ask that you do not publicise the location on social media.

The Watch Collectors' Club CEO Hamish Robertson giving a short talk on How to Appraise a Watch at the October 2021 In-Person Meetup
The Watch Collectors' Club CEO Hamish Robertson giving a short talk on How to Appraise a Watch at the October 2021 In-Person Meetup
Co-Founder Ed Howkins and some attendees at one of our In-Person Meetups
Co-Founder Ed Howkins and some attendees at one of our In-Person Meetups
Two of the many watches present at the October 2021 Meetup Event
Two of the many watches present at the October 2021 Meetup Event
Watch Appraisal in action at The Watch Collectors' Club October Meetup Event
Watch Appraisal in action at The Watch Collectors' Club October Meetup Event

The Watch Collectors’ Club

We exist to make the watch world simple. We aim to bring people together to share their stories about the watch world, and help each other explore further and learn together. We will hold events every month, and will hold explore a growing range of topics and formats. Keep an eye on our events page for more details, and if you know of anyone who might like the sound of this, please let them know. You can forward this email, or find us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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