
Membership Terms and Conditions for The Watch Collectors’ Club August 2023

  • Terms

By accessing this website and the Membership of one of the Tiers of The Watch Collectors’ Club, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms you are forbidden from using this website, becoming a Member of The Watch Collectors’ Club, or taking part in our Events.

This page (together with the documents referred to on it) details the terms and conditions on which we provide membership to The Watch Collectors’ Club. Please read these terms and conditions carefully before ordering joining our Membership Tiers or attending any of our events. You should understand that by joining the Club or attending any of our events, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Failure abide by the conditions while at an event or during your time as a Member, including Trial Member may lead to your expulsion from the event and cancellation of your membership without a refund (see Cancellation section below).

“The Club”  – All references to The Club mean The Watch Collectors Club Ltd.

“Event” – For the purposes of this document and the agreement and Event held by The Watch Collectors’ Club is any of the following:

  • An Online event held on an online platform such as Zoom, hosted by The Watch Collectors’ Club
  • An In-Person Event arranged and hosted by The Watch Collectors’ Club
  • A visit arranged by The Watch Collectors’ Club to an event held by an external party where members are attending with other members and a Host from The Watch Collectors’ Club.
  • A visit to a retailer, factory, cultural institution or other organisation organised by The Watch Collectors’ Club where members are attending with other members and a Host from The Watch Collectors’ Club.

“Event Attendance” – Members are registered as attending an Event by a Host or Employee of The Club.

“Member” – All references to Member in this document include Members and Trial Members

  • A Member is someone who has paid and is registered to one of our Membership Tiers. Annual payments must be made in advance for a year’s membership.
  • A Trial Member is someone who has not become a member but has registered to come to one of the Events in one of the Non-Member Spaces.

“Host”- The representative or employee of The Club who is hosting the event.

“Membership Tier” -An option to join as a member of The Club in return for a fee for a year.

  1. ) Membership Charter

This section outlines the categories of member and the behaviour expected of Members. Failure to comply with the Charter could lead to immediate expulsion from events and membership without a refund.

If you attend one of our events as a non-member you are automatically agreeing to be regarded as a Trial Member.

Trial Members can attend three events (of any kind) in total. Attending any further events within the 12 months following attendance of the first event as a Trial members will require a subscription membership.

Trial Members are able to join events on provision of their full Name, Email Address, and City of Residence.

Members from all Tiers are expected to conform to a reasonable standard of behaviour at events and when communicating online. This includes online events and events held by external parties where The Watch Collectors’ Club Ltd. This behaviour is outlined in the Member’s Charter

Member’s Charter:

Members will agree to:

  • Behave in a respectful and considerate manner towards fellow members, staff, venue staff, and guests.
  • Respect everyone’s taste and level of knowledge. The primary goal of the Club is to be fun, friendly and inclusive. There is no room for snobbery or intimidating displays of knowledge.
  • Be careful with other’s property. Be sure to ask permission to handle, try on, and photograph watches belonging to others, including Retail Partners. If you do not know who a watch belongs to, find out before handling it.
  • Take great care when handling all watches. Where possible always do so over a countertop or table to reduce the chances of accidental damage.
  • Respect the hosts. Educational content is a core part of the Club, so please listen and respect the hosts or guest speakers when they are speaking to the group.
  • Members will only attend an Event if they have registered for it in advance, at least two hours before the advertised start time. Event Registration must be conducted through the Club online platform.
  • Members who can no longer make an Event they have registered for will cancel their attendance on the platform so that other Members may take their place. Any Member found to be repeatedly failing to attend Events they have registered for may have their membership cancelled without refund.
  • Members will not join with the intention of providing business or services to other members.
  • Members will treat partner offers as benefits for Club Members only, and not share coupon codes, discount links, special offers, etc with non-members.

3.) Governing Law and Language

The language this agreement is written in is English, and all communications from The Club will be conducted in English until further notice. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with the Club shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in England and Wales.

4.) Privacy and Data Usage

The Complies with all Laws governing privacy. The details can be found in the Club’s Privacy Policy. **INSERT LINK**

5.) Limitation of Liability, Severability, Force Majeure and Waivers

The Club shall not be held liable for any injuries, damages, losses, or claims arising from or related to:

  • Participating in Club activities, events, or outings.
  • Use of Club facilities, equipment, or services.
  • Interactions with other Club members or third parties.

Members acknowledge that they participate in Club activities at their own risk and responsibility. The Club recommends members to obtain appropriate insurance coverage for personal accidents, injuries, and property loss.

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be eliminated or limited to the minimum extent such that the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions will continue in full force and effect.

The failure of either party to enforce any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not be construed as a waiver of any right or remedy or of the future performance of any obligation. A waiver of any provision on one occasion shall not be deemed a waiver of that or any other provision on any other occasion.

6.) Force Majeure

The Club shall not be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under these Terms and Conditions to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by an event beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, natural disasters, war, terrorism, strikes, government action, power failures, or other causes beyond its control.

7) Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights, including but not limited to trademarks, logos, content, and materials provided by the Club, remain the exclusive property of the Club. Members are prohibited from using, reproducing, or distributing such property without prior written consent from the Club.

Members retain ownership of any content they submit or share within the Club, granting the Club a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable license to use, modify, reproduce, and display the content for Club-related purposes.

Members consent to their image and images of their watches taken at Club events by Club Hosts, Employees or Contractors being used in Club promotional material, granting the Club a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable license to use, modify, reproduce, and display the content for Club-related purposes. If Club members want to remove images used in this way they must ask the Club directly via email to: join@thewatchcollectorsclub.com specifying the image in question. A reply will be given in 10 working days.

8.) Payment Terms

Membership fees are due as per the payment schedule outlined during the registration process. Membership periods will be annual for all Tiers.

Refunds will be allowed for up to 14 days following signup in line with Consumer Rights Legislation; this is a “cooling off period”. This “cooling off period” is maintained until the Member’s first Event Attendance is registered, at which point it ends. Thereafter, cancellation will not be allowed upto 90 days from the original signup date. Cancellations after this date will see refunds granted on a pro rata basis.

Renewals will occur on an annual basis and notifications of renewal will be given 5 days before they are due. Failure to renew will see the Member’s access to Club activities, events, and services cease immediately.

9.) Cancellations and Refunds

Members may request cancellation of their membership by following The Club’s designated cancellation procedure. Refunds, if applicable, will be subject to The Club’s refund policy.

Cancellation Policy:

Refunds will be allowed for up to 14 days following signup in line with Consumer Rights Legislation; this is a “cooling off period”. This “cooling off period” is maintained until the Member’s first Event Attendance is registered, at which point it ends. Thereafter, cancellation will not be allowed upto 90 days from the original signup date. Cancellations after this date will see refunds granted on a pro rata basis.

The Club reserves the right to cancel or suspend a membership due to breach of terms, inappropriate behaviour that breaches the membership Charter, or other reasons determined at the Club’s discretion. In such cases, membership fees will not be refunded.

10.) Termination

The Club reserves the right to terminate or suspend a member’s access to the Club for violation of these terms and conditions, failure to follow the Member’s Charter, disruptive behaviour, or any other reason deemed appropriate by the Club’s management.

Upon termination, the member’s access to Club activities, events, and services will cease.

11.) User Content and Third-Party Links

Members are solely responsible for any content they share within the Club and agree not to post or share any content that is offensive, inappropriate, or violates any laws. The Club shall not be held responsible for any behaviour, remarks, speech or damage caused by Members attending a Club Event.

The Club may include links to third-party websites or content for informational purposes. The Club does not endorse or assume any responsibility for the accuracy, content, or practices of third-party website

12.) Making Changes to the Terms and Conditions Agreement

The Club may update or modify these terms and conditions from time to time. Members will be notified of any significant changes via email or through the Club’s communication channels. Minor updates or corrections to the terms and conditions may be made without notice.

Continued use of the Club’s services and facilities following the changes indicates the member’s acceptance of the updated terms and conditions.

12.) Information and Contact Information:

www.thewatchcollectorsclub.com is a website operated by The Watch Collectors’ Club. The Watch Collectors Club Ltd. is a Company registered in England with Company Number: 12744867 and registered address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ

Any further questions on these terms and conditions before or after the purchase of Membership can be emailed to: join@thewatchcollectorsclub.com